A Kent State professor whose son was recently diagnosed with Celiac is studying how the gluten-free community interacts. He contacted me with the questions below. I offered to share the list of questions here and pass the word, so he can gather a maximum amount of information - and to highlight the power of the online celiac community.
Would you help participate by answering the questions below?
1. Group name:
2. Web site:
3. Year started:
4. How it started:
5. Where do you usually find out medical news about Celiac?
6. Where do you usually find out about g-free foods or restaurants?
7. What role traditional media outlets (newspapers, radio, TV, including their online homes) play for Celiacs?
8. How would you describe the role of social and online networks to the Celiac community – be it in person, e-mail groups or other online connecting points?
9. Can you give an example of how finding useful information on this topic has changed over the years?
Send your repsonses to mmckenne@kent.edu
Thanks for your participation!!