Friday, April 30, 2010
The Agony and the Ecstasy
Friday, April 16, 2010
My 2 year Gluten-Free Anniversary

Tomorrow is the 2 year mark of my ah ha moment and my fierce commitment to live completely gluten-free. I am reminded that April has always been lightning rod of change for me. I find it fitting that in this month of change, growth, and rebirth, I celebrate my very important step, and all the health and happiness it has brought.
In April I celebrate some highest of highs... my husband proposing, and our daughter being born. And remember my lowest lows of April’s past... Losing my mom and being attacked on a NYC subway platform. I have learned and grown from all.
This weekend is all about celebrating - celebrating my choice, and the rewards it has brought, to take control of my health and banish all the gluten... forever. I feel better than I have in years and am grateful every morning for my little girl and her blue balloon.
Raising my glass to a future of health, happiness, love and creativity.