Saturday, May 29, 2010

Painting a Week 52 Week Challenge, Painting #2

"Zebra 2", acrylic on wood panel, 8x8, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering

I would just like to say out loud and in writing, when I decided to challenge myself to a painting a week for 52 weeks, I did not mean to challenge the universe. Just myself.

Week 1 our little girl came down with strep throat. Week 2, I caught strep - along with an ear infection. Now she has a cold. These events bring another dimension to the challenge for me. Right off the bat, I had huge stumbling blocks thrown in my way, but I painted anyway.

Meanwhile, the house looks like a wreck, the laundry continues to pile, and my daughter in her discomfort has a never-ending need to be attached to me… but in spite of all the chaos, I found peace in painting. The peace I found, I bring to all the rest.

The painting continues…

Friday, May 21, 2010

Week #1 of 52 Week Painting Challenge

"Zebra 1" acrylic on wood, 8x8, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering

Kicking it off right on my birthday... painting #1. Only 51 weeks - and 51 paintings to go!
It was fun to challenge myself - and I had no idea until yesterday when I sat down in my studio what I would actually paint. This Zebra will be first in a series of 4 painted on wood panels. Something about painting on the wood panels adds an extra dimension to my enjoyment - and to the actual painting!

And, proving that this will truly be a challenge... our little girl had strep throat this week. She is doing much better now, I am happy to report.

Okay, off to enjoy this beautiful day - and a gluten-free birthday lunch with my hubby!

*Now available in my Etsy store

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Upcoming 52 Week Challenge

"How Now, Violet Cow" watercolor & ink on paper, 8x10. copyright Erin Rogers Pickering

In order to keep on track creatively, and reach my goals, I've decided to challenge myself. Things aren't challenging enough with a full-time job, fledging art business, a high energy 4 year old (who is not a fan of staying asleep) and, dietary restrictions that require regular planning, cooking and baking. But if it weren’t for those dietary restrictions, and the removal of gluten, taking on another challenge would be unthinkable.

The challenge I choose to accept: I will paint a painting a week for the next 52 weeks. Yes, 52 paintings in 52 weeks - it's a bit scary to say out loud.

Why add more to an already overflowing plate? Honestly, because painting makes me whole. It keeps me centered, happy and connected. And, unfortunately constantly loses priority to a never-ending to-do list.

I am curious to see if being committed to the goal of creating a painting a week might actually help all the other moving parts of my life run more smoothly... and not cause my head to explode. We shall see.

I start next week. The 52 weeks will run birthday to birthday. Maybe, just maybe, during this process… I will finally paint "the series" that has been in my head - and in my heart - for years!

Stay tuned, stop by to check on my progress, and let me know what you think. Happily eating, and painting, gluten free!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Celebrating Celiac Awareness Month

10 years ago when I found that wheat (gluten) was a migraines trigger through an elimination diet - celiac was unknown to me, my circle of family and friends, and sadly even to my nutritionist. So I removed most of the gluten and thought I was covered.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.

Flash forward - I am now 2 years completely gluten-free and feel better than I ever imagined. I am thrilled that gluten-free products are becoming more and more mainstream; that chefs and restaurants are preparing safe food for us; and that celiac disease is not longer an unknown, though we have a long way to go. But, it is great to no longer be the one following some 'crazy alternative diet.'

So in celebration of Celiac Awareness Month and doing my part to raise awareness (it also happens to be my birthday month) I am giving away a gluten-free 5x7 print, of the winner's choice, so they can make a statement in their GF kitchen. Or win it for a friend or family member to show them your support and encouragement.

To enter leave a comment below telling me which print you would choose from the GF prints in my etsy shop Erin Go Paint.  You can enter multiple times every time you tweet  ---  
Win a #GF print by @gfillustrator for your gluten-free kitchen at  

When we reach 50 comments a winner will be chosen by random. If there is still time in May when we reach 50, I will have a second giveaway.

Keep building awareness and understanding!