Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Washington DC

"Black Eye-Susans", detail, watercolor & ink on paper, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering

This past weekend we took a road trip to DC for a friends baby shower. A rooftop cocktail party on a spectacularly beautiful Saturday. This was one fun baby shower. We also were able to see friends from VA, had a lovely dinner with cousins of mine, were able to see many dinosaurs & bone exhibits (Ava loved!) And rode the carousel on the Mall... another Ava choice.

We managed to fill every moment in DC with fun on a trip that almost seemed as if we spent more time in the car than anywhere else. Late Friday evening (the 17th) after the car was unpacked, Ava was down for the night and we were relaxing our friend asked if we needed to go online. There I learned through a tweet that an illustration of mine was currently in the DC Examiner. It had arrived many many hours before me - but it didn't need to take the NJ turnpike. Nor was it delayed by the multiple potty stops needed for a 3 year old who had possibly consumed too many grapes.

It was very exciting to see my work included in an article chock full of information on celiac disease. It had very special significance for me, as Friday the 17th was my one year gluten-free anniversary. I have travelled a long way in one year.

The DC Examiner article


  1. Erin - you will be amazed at how many people have this disease. My good friends son, who is 19, has had it since he was 3. You are so fortunate that more people are aware of this now ~ even restaurants!
    Best wishes to you, and congratulations on your art work.
    By the way LOVE your etsy shop name!

  2. Very nice illustrations... And so good to hear that DC is still there. Boy... I wish I could be there right now.. For now, I am stuck about 13 miles north of Reynosa, Mexico in way South Texas... It's getting hot here.
    They speak lots of languages here, but "Gluten-Free" is NOT one of them.
    Meanwhile, I have a couple of sites you might want to check out. Would love to post your work there: http://www.gluten-freesimplicity.com and http://gluten-freesimplicity.blogspot.com/.
    Have a nice Gluten-Free day!
