Friday, May 21, 2010

Week #1 of 52 Week Painting Challenge

"Zebra 1" acrylic on wood, 8x8, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering

Kicking it off right on my birthday... painting #1. Only 51 weeks - and 51 paintings to go!
It was fun to challenge myself - and I had no idea until yesterday when I sat down in my studio what I would actually paint. This Zebra will be first in a series of 4 painted on wood panels. Something about painting on the wood panels adds an extra dimension to my enjoyment - and to the actual painting!

And, proving that this will truly be a challenge... our little girl had strep throat this week. She is doing much better now, I am happy to report.

Okay, off to enjoy this beautiful day - and a gluten-free birthday lunch with my hubby!

*Now available in my Etsy store


  1. Will we be seeing this in your Etsy shop soon?

  2. Yes - will be available in my etsy shop before the day is out! thanks for visiting!

  3. Now available in my etsy shop... Erin Go Paint.
