Friday, September 24, 2010

Painting a Week 52 Week Challenge, Painting #11

Peacock, watercolor on paper, 9x12, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering

He's not finished but I am sharing the progress... hope to complete his turquoise beauty this weekend.


  1. Hi Erin, I was looking at your site and couldn't find a contact page or address. Just a thought but I think you could also extend your blog to talk about the benefits of being gluten free to all, not just those who are celaics.

    Nice site, good luck.

  2. Hi Matthew... thanks for letting me know about the contact info, I didn't realize. I just updated the profile.
    Also, you're right - I do believe the benefits of gf reach far beyond celiacs... and I will start sharing stories of others who have seen benefits. Thanks so much~

  3. Wow, that is amazing! Can't wait to see the finish!

  4. Thanks Anita! Hope to finish him mid-week... I'll post him as soon as the paint drys. :-)

  5. Erin, thanks for the visits, they are really appreciated.
    I am anxious to see that gorgeous peacock finished, too! I missed getting a music/art/sewing gene...LOL!

  6. LOL Mimi! and thanks so much! :-) I've been sick (feeling much better) - and am hoping to get back to the peacock before the week is out.
