Sunday, April 17, 2011

3 Year Gluten-Free Anniversary!

Three years ago today I practically crawled into the kitchen in tears to make dinner. I had just had one of those lightning bolt ah ha moment courtesy of my then 2 year old. It was the time of day that the bone pain would start escalating and I was especially emotional.

I stood in the middle of my kitchen and vowed to clear every trace of gluten from my diet. No matter what it took as I could no longer live in this level of pain. And was afraid my living would be cut short if I didn't do something.

I was somewhat, but not fully, prepared for this journey. And the first few months were rocky. I had a whole lot of healing to do. And even more to learn.

But I did it. One step at a time, one day at a time… learning, digging, investigating and questioning every step of the way. It wasn't easy. And it took months to see change but I was deeply committed.

After 4 months the changes were apparent. And then again at about 8 months - when I knew for sure the dedication was more than worth it.

And, it kept getting easier. And simpler. As I learned more and took more control. And healed. Now I stand strong 3 years later and can not believe I feel younger and better than I did 3 yrs ago, 5yrs ago- even better than10 yrs ago!!! So we have been celebrating all weekend.

And I share my celebration with a sale on all my gluten-free and food art in my etsy shop.
Cheers to all!!!


  1. YAY!! How truly wonderful, your amazing journey back to health and happiness. :)
