Friday, January 10, 2014

A Gluten-Free Blessing for St Patrick's Day

I grew up with the old Irish Blessing, “May the Road Rise to Meet You...” in the foyer of our home, and as I learned to read, I practiced it each day on my way in and out of the house.
As I grew I continued to read it daily out of habit and always found it reassuring.
We moved during my preteen years and it was a very challenging transition for me.  Among many adjustments, the new house just didn’t feel like home.

My parents hung the blessing in the entrance of our new home… and seeing it there every day helped me as I adjusted.
I have now created my own adaptation to hang in our home, for comfort of another kind.  By changing my diet, which was not an easy transition, I  had come home again. 
Corny as it may sound... I was now truly home... home in a healthy and vibrant body.  I had returned to myself! 

The Blessing hangs in our kitchen as a joyful and supportive reminder of the journey I continue to take.

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