Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Food, Art, and Anxiety

Recently I was showing my work at an event, and my painting of the 7 Fishes, which was displayed among many others, became the magnet of many conversations.

People were drawn to it by the whimsy, the colors, the splashes of water drops, the frame... and the list went on and on. 

When I explained  the back story and that my inspiration was my friend's Christmas Eve party last year - and the dinner of the 7 Fishes - the reactions were all very powerful!  And surprisingly very polarizing.

The conversations triggered memories in all... varied memories - the joy of childhood holidays,  melancholy, sadness of missing a loved one, the like or dislike of eating seafood, the creativity of food preparation, and one woman reacted with absolute pure anxiety!  She was so stressed out she bolted from me. 
I felt terrible that a piece of my art and a conversation about inspiration could elicit that response, and yet not surprised.
The painting terrified one woman, and so captivated another that she purchased it.

Art can do that.
Food can do that. 
Memories can do that.
It all depends on where you stand and what you have lived.

You can find more of my art in my Etsy shop Erin Go Paint.
Or check out my daily illustrations on Instagram

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