Monday, November 8, 2010
A Gluten Nightmare
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Martini Date Night Tablescape
Haunting jazz filling every shadowed corner.
Icy cold, big-as-a-plate, exotically flavored martinis in the wee hours of the night.
Capturing a little of that magic for our recent date night dinner.
Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch

Monday, October 11, 2010
Inspiration in a Pumpkin Patch
In settings like this my painting brain goes crazy, and a million ideas come rushing at me. I don't know whether to run screaming for safety - or for my paintbrush. Luckily, I was equipped with a camera and shot tons of photos for reference.
Not much sketching on site with a 4 year old along for the adventure.
But, yesterday afternoon I made use of craft time with her... and her great, big bag of crayons (which always give me a thrill) and sketched a pile of pumpkins with a handful of fall palette crayons. She loved it. And it was very satisfying to release some of the creative energy that had been building up.
Looking forward to working on some pumpkins with my watercolors.... coming soon.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
What to wear... while you wait for a kidney stone to pass

Not exactly Doctor's orders but, you'll look pretty dang cute wearing these to the ER.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Focus on the Joy

Thursday, October 7, 2010
What to wear... to a Halloween party when you don't want to wear a costume
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Pumpkin Pump, watercolor & ink, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering |
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Artichoke Tablescape
Friday, October 1, 2010
Peacocks, Kidney Stones and Gluten Intolerance
"Peacock" watercolor on paper, 8x10, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering
I am currently obsessed with finishing my peacock painting (#12 painting a week challenge) – and getting rid of a kidney stone, the appearance of which has greatly hindered my painting progress.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Painting a Week 52 Week Challenge, Painting #11
He's not finished but I am sharing the progress... hope to complete his turquoise beauty this weekend.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Festive Fall Harvest Gluten Free Tablescape
I used my bracelets for the napkin rings

Friday, September 17, 2010
Painting a Week 52 Week Challenge, Painting #10

I’m back in the game.
Monday, September 13, 2010
National Celiac Awareness Day

I am more than happy to share everything I've learned in the last few years. And offer as much support as needed in navigating the gluten-free waters. It gives me a chance to help spread awareness, and also, to pay it forward. I am very grateful for all that I read, learned, and was helped with when I was starting out on my journey.
The early stages can be so damn overwhelming... I know how useful it is to have someone who's been through it to use as a resource and sounding board. The first thing I tell someone starting out on their gluten-free journey is to remember patience. It takes time to get used to and to learn new eating habits, and find the hidden sources. But, with time - and healing - it gets easier. Nothing like knowing how sick you'll get if you go off track - to keep you focused. Then I give them a list of all my favorite gluten-free foods.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Coming of Age, A GF Story

And, to challenge the status quo.
So, I changed my diet, and got my health and vitality back. It was the missing link I had been in search of since losing my mom.
Updated Jan 24, 2014
Monday, July 26, 2010
#9 of 52 Week Challenge

"The Roman Goddess I", watercolor on paper, 9x12, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering
There was no dream or vision this week though I did feel compelled to paint this statuesque goddess. I am unsure where I am headed with this, but I have a vague sense of a series beginning to form in my imagination. And, this may be a stepping stone.
The feeling is vague enough to be kind of scary. Scary, why? Not knowing why, not knowing where I'm headed, or if it will turn out right is unsettling... If it's not right it means it will be -wrong? So, it circles back to fear of failure I suppose.
And if I may, it is similar to starting a gluten-free diet. Where am I headed? Will it turn out right, or well? Will people understand? Is it worth it? Will I fail? I easily connect the two since I painted this while feeling the adverse effects of recent multiple trace glutenings. And, I ALWAYS doubt my work, my thoughts, and my actions when I am under the effects of gluten!
My art and my diet are both journeys - learning and exploring, where I actively make the choice to tune out the noise, face the fears, and follow my gut - literally and figuratively.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
#8 of 52 Week Challenge

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Week #7 of 52 Week Challenge

"Eye to Eye" watercolor on paper, 8x10, copyright Erin Rogers Pickering
The giraffe is finished and I feel like celebrating and crying (crying from joy, release and relief). I placed him on a shelf where we could view him, wiped my tears, and opened a bottle of wine.
Somehow, I turned a corner with this painting. A BIG corner. My demons were lurking but I faced them, and more importantly, got past them. The demons that try to derail the vision. The demons that make me question my ability. The demons that say there isn't enough time. The demons who torture me into thinking it is never quite finished.
It may be one little 8x10 watercolor painting but it is a giant step for me.
And, now it's time to start the next one!
Monday, July 12, 2010
week #7 - still in progress

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Giraffe in progress for Week #7
And that giraffe has been poking and prodding me all week - paint me, paint me, paint me. Driving me almost to distraction. Tuesday I finally had an opportunity to start the drawing and instead of following the vision, my logical brain took over (big mistake)..... hmm I thought, it's a giraffe, so must be a vertical format. Must incorporate the neck, right? It's logical.

Frustrated. Very frustrated.
I put it aside and took a fresh look last night. Took my camera and cropped in tight just like the painting that has been dominating my imagination.
And there it was.
The image that has been haunting me, chasing me, demanding to be brought to life - in watercolor. And I feel energized and at peace all at the same time!

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Week #6 of 52 Week Challenge

Well, I got back on the proverbial horse, or shall I say Zebra? And created this right after the mess I made of the sheep. One bad painting does not a bad painter make.
This time I sat in my studio, quieted my mind, and let the muse direct me. My zebra series asked to be completed. In acrylic. On a wood panel. I respectfully listened and 2 hours later a finished painting looked back at me. I was drained but felt good. Deep down good. And the zebra seems pleased.
From now on, I will listen.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Week #5 of 52 Week Challenge

I was trying to come up with a way to bypass showing this week’s painting. It is bad. As in, very bad. But since I learned a powerful lesson as a result - and it was painted this week - it deserves the slot of painting challenge week 5.
You are wondering where it is, right? That's it, on the table behind my daughter. At an angle, in the shadows, hiding. That’s about as much as I am willing to show of it.
As I sat making an awful mess on the paper I wondered where I went wrong. But it didn’t take long to figure out. First, I tried to rush through it just to get my "assignment" done. Second, and more importantly, I ignored what the image was telling me. When I have an idea in mind the image/idea/concept usually directs me how to paint it... i.e. watercolor or acrylic, loose or tight, etc. And, normally I listen.
I was so focused on finishing, that the creating and painting process was not given their proper respect. It is a lesson I won’t soon forget.
PS - she is posing with one of my jars that I hope to have available at Erin Go Paint soon.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hot & Cold

For years I was always cold. In the winter my husband said my hands were inhumanly cold. That he didn't know how something alive could be that cold. I blamed it on my under active thyroid and learned to dress for it by layering. Winter - 4 layers, spring & fall -3 layers and summer 2. Even on the hottest days I was comfortable in 2 tops.
So cold that when our daughter was a baby, to early toddler, I took her temperature several times a week. She always felt fiery hot to me. When she started taking her dolls temps I knew I needed to break the habit.
I have since learned it had more to do with mal-absorption than anything else. The fact that my body temperature always dropped if I was overdue for a meal should have been a clue. But that was missed along with dozens of other clues all along the path. And as my body healed, I got warmer.
Now as we enter the dog days of summer in NYC (earlier than usual) I am warmer than I have been in as long as I can remember.... And, in the market for cooler clothes.
As I stand melting on street corners and subway platforms I remind myself of what it signals and I am happy. Hot and happy!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Week #4 of 52 Week Painting Challenge

Over the weekend I got gluten through cross-contamination. It was no one's fault, but accidents happen if you don't live in a bubble. Unfortunately, it brings me to a very dark place.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Week #3 of 52 Week Painting Challenge, The Studio Tour

After a 3-year hiatus I participated in our town Artist Studio Tour this past Sunday.
I spent every spare minute of the last week cleaning, clearing, hanging, framing, matting (and hiding all the toys), to make our home ready and to make space for all my work. Sunday was a great day with so many terrific people stopping by. I truly enjoyed chatting with all the visitors.
It was also exhausting and all-consuming.
The all-consuming part made me panic over creating my painting for week #3. I know, my 52-week challenge is supposed to keep me inspired, focused and connected. Not throw me into a tailspin.
So I took a deep breath, and a step back, looking at the big picture. During week #3 I created much more than just a painting. I created my art show. My piece of an incredible studio tour. A gallery in our home. Quoting my very last studio tour visitor of the day when seeing Sunset in Vieques: "Only God could create colors like that" pause "…but you came damn close, didn't you!!" Yes, the day has truly inspired me.
And not to go too long without a paintbrush in my hand, I did touch up this painting that was slightly damaged and that two visitors are interested in buying.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Gluten-Free Giveaway Winner
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Painting a Week 52 Week Challenge, Painting #2

I would just like to say out loud and in writing, when I decided to challenge myself to a painting a week for 52 weeks, I did not mean to challenge the universe. Just myself.
Week 1 our little girl came down with strep throat. Week 2, I caught strep - along with an ear infection. Now she has a cold. These events bring another dimension to the challenge for me. Right off the bat, I had huge stumbling blocks thrown in my way, but I painted anyway.
Meanwhile, the house looks like a wreck, the laundry continues to pile, and my daughter in her discomfort has a never-ending need to be attached to me… but in spite of all the chaos, I found peace in painting. The peace I found, I bring to all the rest.
The painting continues…
Friday, May 21, 2010
Week #1 of 52 Week Painting Challenge

Friday, May 14, 2010
My Upcoming 52 Week Challenge

In order to keep on track creatively, and reach my goals, I've decided to challenge myself. Things aren't challenging enough with a full-time job, fledging art business, a high energy 4 year old (who is not a fan of staying asleep) and, dietary restrictions that require regular planning, cooking and baking. But if it weren’t for those dietary restrictions, and the removal of gluten, taking on another challenge would be unthinkable.
The challenge I choose to accept: I will paint a painting a week for the next 52 weeks. Yes, 52 paintings in 52 weeks - it's a bit scary to say out loud.
Why add more to an already overflowing plate? Honestly, because painting makes me whole. It keeps me centered, happy and connected. And, unfortunately constantly loses priority to a never-ending to-do list.
I am curious to see if being committed to the goal of creating a painting a week might actually help all the other moving parts of my life run more smoothly... and not cause my head to explode. We shall see.
I start next week. The 52 weeks will run birthday to birthday. Maybe, just maybe, during this process… I will finally paint "the series" that has been in my head - and in my heart - for years!
Stay tuned, stop by to check on my progress, and let me know what you think. Happily eating, and painting, gluten free!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Celebrating Celiac Awareness Month